January Series: Biblical Fasting 


February Series: Learning Mature Speech

 Week 1

Summary: As I was a child I acted as a child, and when I grew up I put away childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11). Immature speech is a sign of poor development. As your speech develops, you become slower to speak, aware of your negative speech, and begin to correct yourself. Mature speech understands that words have the power of life and death. Speech isn’t limited to what we say audibly, but it’s also our inaudible thoughts. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

  • Maturity is the expectation, not the exception for Believers.
  • Maturity is not a destination, it’s an ongoing process.
  • Your faith increases by hearing the word of God continually, thus your speech should continually change to speak faith
  • We’re responsible for the thoughts and actions that we communicate. How it’s communicated reflects our level of spiritual maturity.
Week 2
Summary: What’s your spiritual temperature when entering a conversation? Are you bringing maturity or destructive words that can destroy your brother or sister in Christ? Mature speech begins with a clean and pure heart. When your heart aligns with the True Vine, the Holy Spirit will speak for you. We must always seek God’s presence for positive words and mature speech in our daily walk. Then, and only then, will we be true MATURE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST.

  • Mature speech affirms God’s word and not emotions.
  • Mature speech should strengthen those around you.
  • We should press to reach maturity not only in speech but in actions.
  • Mature speech is lead, taught and given by the Spirit

Week 3

Summary: Our words, whether openly conveyed or muttered under our breath, can either break or build our walk with God, relationships with family and friends, and individual confidence and self-worth. There is a saying, “We are what we eat,” which may very well be true. However, it is also essential to understand that we are what we speak. Let’s be mindful of the aftereffects of our words–speak life over yourself and others! 

  • Everything about living in sin breaks your life down. Living for God means lifelong opportunities for building up yourself and others.
  • It takes maturity to be concerned about the after-effects of words. You can’t take words back. Once they’re out, it’s out!
  • Digesting the Word helps govern speech because when we read the word it helps us respond with the word. Scripture is mature, complete, truth—truth is mature. When Believers speak the Word, the atmosphere shifts, including those of immaturity. 





Week 4

Summary: Our words have power, but God’s Word is the ultimate
authority. God’s Word has dunamis power. It is an inherent
power by virtue of its nature, it is the power for performing
miracles, the influence of riches and wealth, resources, and
the power to command armies, forces, and hosts. Our words
outside of God’s Word are fickle, flawed, and finite. It is
important to use God’s Word through our words as His Word
is alive and active, flawless, settled, and absolute truth.
Using God’s Words alone apart from faith and action is futile.
Faith pleases God, but not putting in the work renders us
detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good work.

  • Speak what God speaks. Our words should be God’s Word.  From the distinctions previously mentioned, we see that our words do not have authentic power.  From previous lessons, we’ve learned that our speech can be immature and can break.  God’s Word has dunamis power.  It is inherent power by virtue of its nature, it is the power for performing miracles, the influence of riches and wealth, resources, and the power to command armies, forces, and hosts.
  • Speak by faith.  Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
  • What is NOW faith?  in the time immediately before the present, at the present time or moment, or in the time immediately to follow. “Now” faith believes God before, during, and after! 
  • Speak with action. Our words should have action. Without action, our words are of no effect. 

March Series: Creating a Clean Heart that Obeys God

 Week 1: Wretch Undone: The Mess You Can’t Clean (by Yourself)

Summary: We were born knowing how to do wrong. So it’s natural for humans to defend or justify their mess or actions. But when we do this, it causes internal build up, clogging our hearts spiritually and blocking a free-flowing relationship with God. A free-flowing relationship with God is full of power, anointing and grace. It’s an obedient heart, operating in the will of God, because it’s getting all its nutrients as it follows God’s way.

  • Point 1: We were born knowing how to do wrong. It’s natural for humans to defend or justify their mess or actions.
  • Point 2: Everything starts and ends with the heart; the spiritual place where our thoughts, dreams, desires and actions derive. That’s why it’s so valuable to God and vital for us.
  • Point 3 You can do things to improve spiritual heart health, but without obedience, you won’t see the full benefit.
  • Point 4: Obedience to God filters out spiritually unclean things.
  • Point 5: Obedience helps us link our hearts to God’s heart, making one pulse.

Week 2: Unclogging Spiritual Plaque Part 1, What’s Blocking Your Way to God?

Summary: It takes a while for plaque to build up; removing it can take time. Layer after layer must be shaken, broken up, and discarded. Thinking of the heart and dentist examples we’ve used, patients with severe cases may not be fully restored and released for regular activity after their initial procedures. They must follow a regime (a process) to stay on the road to recovery and reach total healing.

Point 1: Defilement (sin) is blocking your way to God.

Point 2: An obedient heart to God defends your life. Ungodly things don’t penetrate an obedient heart but a defiled one leaves room for anything to happen.

Point 3: The first step in removing spiritual plaque is deciding it has to go! Healing requires pre and post care!

Week 3: Unclogging Spiritual Plaque Part 2, Cleaning Spiritual Plaque and Recognizing The Silent Killers

Summary: Spiritual plaque gains access and builds in our hearts through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. It is important to understand the 3 main access points and guard them. We often overlook, excuse, or defend some sins, attitudes, and habits. We have somehow adopted the idea of big sin versus little sin. A sin of any sort is a transgression against the laws of God. We should be aware of the importance of the consequences and implications of the spiritual plague that builds in our hearts from the “little foxes”.

Point 1: Unfaithfulness – We often assume unfaithful is only limited to marriage vows, but it extends to other areas of our lives including ministry, employment, entrepreneurship, and friendships.

Point 2: Unforgiveness- All of us need forgiveness as we’ve all fallen short. Romans 3:23
Forgiving others is a prerequisite for our forgiveness. We’ve heard people say:” Forgiveness is for you, not the other person”.

Point 3: Unbelief – Hebrews 11:6 ESV And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Week 4: Maintaining Heart Health, A Clean Heart Is An Obedient Heart, We Can’t Maintain A Healthy Heart Without The Word And The Holy Spirit

Summary: Once you have been cleaned and delivered Our Flesh Is Insufficient, therefore we need the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We maintenance our natural bodies and things we naturally care about but what about our spiritual well being? The Word of God is the insurance policy to stay clean providing a maintenance plan that if we obey our chances of success of getting into heaving and keeping a clean heart increase. The Holy is our agent helping us review and use our policy and adhere to the plan. One thing we must understand about the Holy Spirit is He is absolute. Surround Yourselves With Honest, Bold Men & Women, Who Will Speak God’s Truth Regardless.

Point 1: Obedience is better than sacrifice

Point Two:You can do things to improve spiritual heart health but without obedience, you won’t see the full benefit

Point Three: Linking your heart to God’s heart, causes one pulse, not two. Why? It’s in that moment, that you agree with the will of God.

Point Four: The word of God is your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, it’s your all encompassing guide to keep you spiritually maintained

Point Five: The Word of God is your sword to fight spiritual battles and your faith behind the word is your shield against spiritual attacks.

Point Six: When you trust the word, you obey the word, when you obey the word you can expect God to move.

April Series: The Study of Soteriology

 Week 1: What is SOTERIOLOGY? What is salvation in Christianity and why do we need to be saved?

Summary: When you hear the word soteriology, what does it mean to you? For many, it’s the study of salvation. For us specifically, we’re studying salvation through Jesus Christ. At some point we need to recognize that we need to be saved from a life of sin that leads to eternal death and grab hold of Christ, who is our lifeline.

Point 1: Salvation can only be found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Point 2: The narrow gate takes us through hardship and difficult decisions. Matthew 7:13-14

Point 3: There is an eternal reward Heaven or Hell
Hard choice one, you must die to your flesh (crucify it) your will to take up God’s will for you. It’s a life for a life. We must die daily.

 Week 2: The Benefits of Salvation (through Jesus Christ)

Summary: The reward of salvation is heaven but the benefits of choosing Jesus as Lord and Savior are what we experience on earth. Think of “favor” or perhaps you’ve heard the saying “favor ain’t fair.” Believers often experience favor (benefit) on earth to help us navigate life’s circumstances but favor isn’t necessary in heaven because we’ve already obtained the reward. You can enjoy many benefits here on earth before getting into heaven, including having a relationship with Jesus. Knowing Jesus grants the privilege of a better life (far better than a life without Him). A better life in Christ includes restoration and being introduced to the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost helps you understand your purpose and other earthly benefits.

  • Point 1: There is a difference between rewards and benefits.
      • The Lord’s prayer – we are instructed to pray heaven on earth. 
        • Matthew 6:8-13 (vs 10) 
      • Heaven manifesting on earth is the benefit because heaven is the reward.
      • Miracles signs and wonders are benefits.
  • Example: The reward for completing high school is graduation. The benefit of a high school diploma is access to college and or scholarships to attend college.
  • Point 2: Salvation grants you access to Jesus.
  • Point 3: Salvation through Jesus provides restoration.
  • Point 4: True salvation through Jesus comes with the Holy Ghost.

Restoration Clip: 

Chosen Series, Mary Magdalene

Week 3: Jesus AND…? Jesus is Enough!

Summary: Another benefit of salvation (there are many) is that Jesus is enough.
Jesus is enough—He needs nothing added or removed from His deity. In every circumstance, Jesus has been, is, and will always be enough. The same Jesus we read about in Scripture, performing miracles and who was raised from the dead is still enough, and He’s equipped to orchestrate, manage, and fulfill your life.

Point 1: Here are other examples: Jesus AND→ crystals, chakras, astrology, horoscopes, tarot cards, palm readings, psychics,  sage, and other ritual herb burnings, polygamy, whatever the AND is you’re placing above or in place of Jesus is a NO. Jesus is enough!

Point 2: The reason people think Jesus is not enough is because they want something(s) more than Him. 

Point 3: When you connect ungodly things to Jesus your spiritual intellect goes out the window. You become susceptible to poor decision-making. You become deaf and bling to wisdom and ignore red flags.

Week 4: Choose ye this Day: Heaven or Hell, the consequences of not choosing Christ

Summary: When you choose to follow fleshly desires, enjoying sin, ignoring the righteousness of God, you become an enemy of God. The devil is working in you when you reject God. At that point our God turns you over to a reprobate mind. Hell is a real place just like heaven is real. God ultimately gives the power to will decide where we will spend eternity. Remember it is God’s will and desire that all make the choice to be saved.

Point 1: God’s Hope For You Is Heaven

Point 2: The Consequence For Not Choosing Jesus is Hell

Point 3: 5 Facts about Hell
1. It is a place of fire – Deut.32:22 (KJV) Luke 16:19-31
2. It was kindled because of Gods wrath on Sin Ps.9:17
3. There are different compartments, one being the lowest hell Deut.32:22
4. Hell shall consume the earths increase of Men who die in rebellion Is.5:14, Is.14:9-10
5. It will set the foundations of the mountains on fire Deut.32:22

Point 4: Things that inherit Hell 

1.  The glory of Men – Isaiah 5:8-10 

2.  The pomp of sinful men   Is.5:11-12 

3.  Great numbers of sinful men

4.  All who rejoice in sin   Isaiah 5:13-14 

Week 5: The Urgency of Salvation: The Hope and Help We All Need

Summary: To understand the richness, function and benefits of salvation, is to understand the urgency of salvation. It is the hope and the help that we ALL need to secure that assurance that we will see God face to face.

Point 1: Why should there be a sense of urgency for Salvation?

Matthew 24:36 NLT

  • “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.
  • Sense of urgency, you don’t know how many days you have, you don’t know what tomorrow holds

Point 2: What immediate changes do you see after accepting Salvation?

  • Transformation and renewal
  • Upgraded and value increases
  • Saved and Rescued
  • Safety, Covered and Protection

May Series: Understanding the Flesh and Its Sinful Nature

Week 1: Born and shaped in iniquity and characteristics of sinful nature

Summary: We were born in this world of sin and because of that, we’re sinful by nature. We have the knowledge of good and evil, yet how many of us choose to embrace the Holy Spirit vs letting our flesh rule? Romans 7 talks about the war of the flesh vs the spirit. Many are desensitized, not convicted, and living the fleshly life found in Galatians 5. We’re born in sin, but we don’t have to let our flesh have rule over us.

Point 1: The flesh is always going to want flesh.

Point 2: Our righteousness is liken unto filthy rags. We were born into sin

Point 3: Conviction is designed to bring about confession, repentance, and renewal in your relationship with God.

Point 4: Desensitizing makes you more comfortable in your sin.

Week 2: Flesh is a Gateway: The Access Points of the Flesh

Summary: Fleshly thoughts multiply until they manifest.

Point 1: Fleshly thoughts multiply until they manifest!

Point 2: Sin does not stop until it reaches its end, your destruction.

Point 3: The flesh appeals to What catches our attention, What we crave and What we have the biggest appetite or desire for

Week 3: Conquering the Flesh

Summary: When the flesh overrides the spirit, there are repercussions. The good news is, Jesus left the blueprint on how to conquer it. However, the flesh cannot conquer the flesh. The only way to conquer flesh is through the Creator who made it: God. We are born of innate desires that can only be subdued by the power of being spiritually born again. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on (habitually) sinning, because they have been born of God (1 John 3:9). After salvation, we must accept our righteousness by faith, practice the fruits of the spirit, and repent often and quickly.

Point 1: To conquer the flesh, you must be born again.  Once born again, your desire becomes to please God, your Heavenly Father, and not your flesh.

Point 2 –  We must strive to live a sin-free life.  Walking upright is the deliberate attempt to pursue God, keep His statutes, and adhere to His ordinances to the best of your human ability using the knowledge and tools that you have.

Point 3 –  We must repent often to remain in right standing with God.

June Series: Making Up Your Mind to Follow Christ

Week 1: The Presentation of Choice

Summary: You don’t have to wait to follow Christ. You can make the choice today. You don’t have to depend on anyone else’s faith (parents, pastors, grandparents, friends). You can start building a relationship with Jesus Christ for yourself right now. 

  • Point 1: You have options for what you serve.
    Point 2:
    Be intentional about your choice to follow Christ.
    Point 3:
    Why wait?


Week 2: Double-Minded Danger

Summary:What happens when one foot is with God and the other is out somewhere else? It’s frustrating when we can’t decide on something. For a minute, we’re absolutely sure about what we want, only to have doubt wipe away that certainty. Doubt is at the root of double-mindedness. It is the driving force that leads to a divided mind, often manifesting in emotional instability and a lack of peace. The enemy exploits our doubt to undermine our faith.

Point 1: Being double minded can exhaust you physically and spiritually 

Point 2: Staying current with the world’s trends leads to detachment from God

Point 3: Staying current with  God’s business will eliminate double mindedness and give you strength to influence others.

Week 3: Marco Polo: Is that you God?

Summary: There is a difference between being called and Chosen. There is a general call for all. This call is for all of humanity. It is meant for all those who will hear and repent. This call can be rejected. It is external. To be chosen means you are selected or marked for favor or special privilege. You are a remnant. It is an internal work. It is done in the heart. God can use circumstances and people to affirm you are chosen by Him.

Point 1: Signs God wants to get your attention can come from circumstances and the response of others towards you.

Point 2: There is a general call for all. It is meant for all those who will hear and repent

Week 4

Worthwhile: The Best Decision You’ll Ever Make!

Summary: You Don’t Understand It! Hide It In Your Heart, It Will Be Worthwhile Over Time. There are some things you get from God immediately but others come over time. There are many unseen benefits to choosing to follow Christ, many of which we take for granted. We can’t tangibly see the Fruits of the Spirit, but choosing to follow Jesus means these benefits are immediately available to you. Above all, the unseen benefits make this decision the best you can make.

Point 1: A made-up mind to follow Christ is fully convinced that Jesus is the way, truth, and life, dedicated to following God’s rules and purposeful with how they live and treat others.

Point 2: When your mind is stable, your movement in life becomes intentional, not sporadic.

June Series: The Living Dead

Week 1: Why is the Church still sinning?

Summary: Belief has to be in the heart, not just the mind for salvation through Jesus Christ to occur.  Belief in God is shown in our hearts when we trust and obey His word. You’re the living dead when you are dead to the powers of sin.  This means you’re not tempted to willfully sin, but set on fulfilling the purpose  God has placed in you because of a total surrendered heart.  The church is yet sinning because they refuse to die to flesh by not allowing the spirit of the Lord to come alive in them.

  • Point 1: Some only get saved in their minds but not in their heart. They understand what it means to be saved but your heart is not converted. The belief system is not in your mind, it’s in your heart.
  • Point 2: Until you can die to your flesh you will never live in the glory of God. You won’t experience the awe of God.
    Point 3:
    Dying to sin is the last enemy you will conquer. You don’t have to say goodbye to sin. When you say goodbye God cuts it away.


Week 2: The spirit is willing but the flesh is week

Summary: We must build ourselves up spiritually. People have intellect but don’t know how to live by the spirit. Knowledge kills, but the Word makes you alive and ALERT. Spiritually, when others are sleeping, you’ll be wide awake. After you’ve given your life to Christ, the journey doesn’t end. It’s just beginning. You have to commit to strengthening your spirit, fortifying your decision, and reinforcing your choice to follow Christ. When your spirit becomes stronger than your flesh, you will not respond to temptation the same way you did before your life with Christ. This means your flesh no longer influences you more than your spirit. Following Jesus does not make us perfect but it does protect us from the dangers and consequences of living in the flesh.

Point 1: Your spirit has to be at least 3X stronger than your flesh to bring it into subjection or to obey the things of God. When your spirit is not conditioned to obey God you’re susceptible to compromise aka blurred lines. Blurred lines fuel flesh. The only reason blurred lines are created is to appease the flesh, to condone something you or others want that does not align with God’s Word.

Point 2: What is happening in our flesh when the spirit is willing but the flesh/mind is weak? Resistance
The default setting of the flesh is to resist the things of God. The natural opponent of your spirit, and your desire to do right is the flesh (your wants, physical limitations, desires and will). The battle between your flesh and spirit is as real as real gets. That’s why you have to strengthen your spirit as though you are strengthening your physical body/muscles.

Point 3: To keep operating in the mind of Christ, keep the truth (God’s Word) in front of you. It focuses your mind.


Week 3: The Living Dead Part 3: What Image do you see?

Summary: Self-image is a flawed, fleshly, world view of who we are and not a true reference point on how God sees us. Indulging in self-image is spiritually dangerous. It creates openings for mental strain and opportunities to carry out the lusts of the flesh. As followers of Christ, God’s image is our only infallible spiritual identity. We should actively resemble Christ in our public and private life. This is pleasing to God. We should be aware that fruit does not lie–it can be clearly seen (witnessed) and easily detected (smelled) by others. Let others see the image of God in you. 

Point 1: Self-image is a flawed, fleshly, worldly view of who we are and not a true reference point on how God sees us.

Point 2: Resembling Christ in our public and private life is pleasing to God. 

Point 3: God’s image is our infallible spiritual identity. 

August Series: What is your relationship with money and what does the Bible say about tithing?

Week 1: Identifying Our Relationship and Mindset of Money

Summary: Our relationship with money determines where our heart is concerning it; this includes our attitude toward tithing. Money should be prioritized; it should never be worshipped. Money is a tool, but if we’re not careful we’ll idolize or make it more important in our lives than it should be.

  • Point 1: Money should be prioritized; it should never be worshipped.
  • Point 2: People rationalize their use of money by determining if an event or activity is worth their time, whether they’ll enjoy it, see immediate results, and if it’ll make them happy.


Week 2: Misconceptions of Money and the Church

Summary: There are several misconceptions about giving money to the Church. Tonight we learned that 1) all pastors are not money-hungry, scheming church-goers through tithe and offerings, 2) The Church’s mission is to create disciples and advance the Kingdom of God. It was never intended to be a financial bailout for patrons and 3) we must keep a close eye on the little ways the love of money can open doors for all kinds of evil.

Point 1: Pastors are not given to us to take our money but they are given after God’s heart to lead you, give you knowledge and give you understanding.
Point 2: The Church is NOT a bank but a safe haven for the community, Body of Christ and designated place to praise and worship the Lord.

Point 3: The LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil, however money itself is a tool.

Week 3: Financial Stewardship

Summary: The four essential principles of stewardship: ownership, responsibility, accountability and reward. God is the owner of ALL things. When we realize this, it helps put our stewardship in the proper position. Obedient stewardship helps the believer to become more RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE. When we are lined up correctly then we are able to obtain our reward (inheritance) for following GODS word.

  • Point 1: Financial stewardship is Biblical.
  • Point 2: Money should be earned, spent, invested, and managed properly in such a way that is pleasing to God.
  • Point 3: Giving  our time and skills (talents) to God is also valuable and promotes Kingdom building.

Week 4: The Purpose and Use of Money in the Kingdom

Summary: The purpose and use of money goes beyond personal gain and wealth accumulation for self gratification or vainglory. Profits should have purpose. Money should be used to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. It should be prioritized with the vision God gives. Money as we view it in our accounts is not the only form of resource. Bartering or exchanging goods and services is also part of the system of money. This system includes paper, coins, cards, goods, services, talents, time, and prayer. There are two systems in operation: A Kingdom system and an earthly system. Kingdom money builds kingdom. Earthly money supports flesh driven agendas.

Point 1: The purpose and use of money goes beyond personal gain and wealth accumulation for self gratification or vainglory.

Point 2: Profits should have purpose. Money should be used to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. It should be prioritized with the vision God gives.

Point 3: Kingdom currency is not the same as worldly currency.

September Series: Becoming a Forgiving Person

Week 1: The Art of Forgiveness

  • Point 1: The road to forgiveness depends on the state of the person’s heart. When the heart is stoney, the road is longer.
  • Point 2: Mark 2:17
    • Don’t become frozen in the pain. Unforgiveness hurts so much it can be hard to move.
    • Christ had to receive the pain of the cross to overcome it!
  • Point 3: We need patience with the process of forgiveness
    • Name the offense of hurt (what happened?)
    • Name the person or systems
    • Name the triggers
    • Find the place in your heart to forgive
    • Prayerfully let it go

Week 2: Blossoming Bitter: The Fruits of Unforgiveness

Summary: Unforgiveness produces all kinds of rotten and demonic fruit, fruit that can make us susceptible to all kinds of evil, makes prayers ineffective, and causes one to walk in fleshly desires and selfish agendas. The art of forgiveness is a process that requires patience. However, Believers must revisit forgiveness often because life has the potential to open many doors of unforgiveness. The enemy has no boundaries in his quest to destroy us. Unforgiveness freezes us in our pain, but choosing to forgive releases us to move forward in God’s freedom and truth. 

Point 1: Unforgiveness can be the gateway to any of these fruits. Unforgiveness is a festering cancer that will kill you spiritually. 

Point 2 Unforgiveness makes us susceptible to evil, hinders prayers and causes us to walk in the flesh.

Point 3: The drive to right a wrong is rooted in unforgiveness. Every extreme emotion we have toward other people can also be toward ourselves.

Week 3: Why is it crucial to walk in forgiveness?

Summary: Walking in forgiveness is a choice. Choosing not to walk in forgiveness daily is like choosing to torture repeatedly. Forgiveness must be walked out with action. Prayerfully allowing yourself to grow through the four stages of forgiveness brings closure, peace and freedom to take back the power to live forward. Remember that walking in forgiveness allows the Holy Spirit to operate in our lives and keeps us positioned and postured to receive from God.

Point 1: Walking in forgiveness signifies that we believe and obey God’s word. It also signifies that we are in close relationship with Him. (Mark 11:25-26)

Point 2: Walking in forgiveness takes back power to Live forward. (Philippians 3:13-14)

Point 3: Walking in forgiveness must be walked out intentionally. (Genesis 50:15-21)

Point 4: Walking in forgiveness gives you the opportunity to have your sins forgiven. 

Point 5: Walking in forgiveness keeps you postured and positioned to receive from God i.e Blessings, Favor, Gifts & Peace

Point 6: Walking in forgiveness allows the Holy Spirit to operate freely in your life.

Week 4: Becoming a Forgiving Person. It takes work!

Summary: Forgiveness involves the intentional action of ceasing resentment and granting relief. It requires effort and is a choice to forgive. Forgiveness does not absolve the offender from their actions, but it allows for divine judgment. Doing the work of forgiveness is a process that takes practice. Unconditional, selfless love covers a multitude of sin and is the anecdote to unforgiveness. 

Point 1:  Forgiveness is an action, not a feeling.

Point 2: Becoming a forgiving person requires work. It must be practiced.

Point 3: Forgiveness is not a pass for the person. It is removing yourself to allow God to execute His judgment how He sees fit in His own timing.


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Another Test Prayer Card 02/08/2024
Test Prayer Card 02/08/2024