5 Spiritual Benefits of Being Celibate

Why stay celibate? Because feeding sexual desires outside of marriage is more than emotionally taxing. It's spiritually dangerous.

First a quick rundown…

Being celibate means choosing not to engage in any further sexual activity especially in relation to religious vows. Abstinence is intensely curbing one’s sexual appetite or waiting until marriage to have sex.

So why wait?

Simply put, once you wake up your desire to have sex, you can’t put it back to sleep. People love to separate sex from God but He created it for the confines of marriage for husbands and wives to 1) reproduce and 2) enjoy. Sex within the confines of marriage is a safe place to be intimate with your spouse. Feeding sexual desires outside the covenant of marriage is more than emotionally taxing. It’s spiritually dangerous.

Let’s say you get engaged tomorrow. You both decide to remain celibate until the marriage. However, you’ve had 15 sexual partners and your fiance’s had 5. The two of you haven’t slept together yet but your union will be joined by 20 soul ties and demons. When soul ties aren’t broken, they aid in what’s called spiritual warfare.

This is why God wants us to wait until marriage to have sex and why the Bible encourages us to do the same. However, God knows, we know and the world knows that everyone doesn’t share these views.

But for those that do and for those that want to know the spiritual benefits of celibacy, here are the top five reasons.

1. God is guiding you

Many single people choose to be celibate until marriage or until their next serious relationship. For one, being single is not a bad thing. It’s a time for you to discover yourself more fully without the responsibilities of an intimate relationship. For the Believer, know that God is guiding you during this temporary season.

Second, singleness is state that must be must be completed before marriage occurs. –Elder Corey Hinton.

If you’re still single and desire to be married or re-married, you haven’t completed your season of singleness yet. There’s still something God’s requiring or needs from you before you can move into the covenant of marriage.

2. It shows you have self-control

You don’t engage in any sexual activity. This means oral, intercourse, masturbation, sex toys and anything else of sexual nature are avoided. We can’t put it back to sleep but we can tame it (through a willing spirit, a made-up mind and good biblical teaching like this)!

3. You’ll keep a clear mind

You can’t be sexually active and have a clear mind. This is especially true for the Believer. You’ll always be thinking about and feigning for the next time. You won’t be able to distinguish God’s voice. You won’t be able to pray effectively and you won’t be able to make God a priority in your life when sex is your driving force. Sex was designed for marriage because it’s more complex than the physical act. It’s not just sex. It’s the intertwining of souls and mental space too. Your sexual history and all its baggage trail you into every relationship whether you realize it or not.

4. When you meet the ONE, you’ll know

Listen, believer! You’ll be able to see the ONE clearly when they enter your life. The Holy Spirit will help point out who God has ordained for you in holy matrimony.

5.God will reward you for it

Whether you’re a virgin or celibate, keep yourself and God will send you your ordained husband or wife. When we utilize self-control in this way, it’s a form of honoring God by presenting our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). God will never have us give more to Him than He gives to us. If marriage is apart of God’s plan for your life, be encouraged today for your sacrifice, your denial of self, won’t be in vain. God sees you. God knows.

For more scriptures on celibacy, read 1 Corinthians 7:1-6.

Dr. Teresa M. Goggins is the co-pastor of Thy Kingdom Has Come International Ministries and has been married to her husband for over 30 years. She’s a multi-gifted leader and visionary most known for her expertise in spiritual warfare, intercession and mentorship. Click here to learn more.
